Jasele Oita's Blog A weblog about everything

July 21, 2010

Accepting online credit card payments

Filed under: Business Services — publisher @ 3:13 am

Merchants who conduct their business offering a service or a product also have to accept online credit card payments. Credit, debit, gift and other types of cards have to be accepted along with newer types of payments such as Paypal and so on and so forth.

With online businesses experiencing rapid growth as compared to normal businesses conducted offline, a lot of merchants are expanding their through the World Wide Web to maximize profits that can be made by catering to a global audience.

And even though, the internet has indeed changed the way business is conducted, one still has to accept credit cards online as a mode of payment even there are chances of fraud, charge backs and so on and so forth that can effect the merchant’s reputation and financial standing.

At another level altogether, stores that use POS terminals to process transaction are often limited to wires, and that can be a pain for businesses that are mobile because then one can only cash as a method of payment leading to complication that we can all do without. With wireless credit card processing that connects via your cell phone network, one can easily process payments without having to be present at a particular place in order to do so.

One way or another, technology has changed our lives and way we do business but what will stand the test of time is the ability to combine old practices with new ones effectively.

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