Jasele Oita's Blog A weblog about everything

September 22, 2012

Are Elliptical Exercise Machines Actually Effective Exercise Tools?

Filed under: Goods and Services — publisher @ 6:51 am

One of the more popular pieces of equipment in commercial and residential gyms across the world, the effectiveness of elliptical exercise machines has been called into question almost from their debut and inception. Are these machines as effective as other sources of cardio? Do they provide a better workout than some of the more “boring” machines? And can they actually reduce the stress they put on your body? Let’s find out.

Are these machines as effective as other sources of cardio?

Personal trainers, scientists, researchers, and anecdotal evidence from literally millions of happy fitness enthusiasts would say yes – overwhelmingly. One of the more popular methods of getting your cardio in, an hour or two on the Elliptical 1200 E from www.fitdesire.comhas many of the same effects as running on a boring treadmill or jogging around the block.

Do they provide a better workout than some of the more “boring” machines?

This is a more subjective answer, but most people would also say yes. While the workout is only as good as the amount of effort you put into it, for many people the prospects of climbing up on an Elliptical 18.0 RE and exercising are lot more exciting that hitting the treadmill for an hour or so. It’s definitely more of a mental thing than a physiological thing, but the quick answer is yes.

Can they actually reduce the stress they put on your body?

This again is another grey area, but a lot of anecdotal research seems to point to yes. It may be a placebo effect, but it seems that more people report feeling more comfortable working out on an elliptical than running on a treadmill – their bodies don’t get as sore and achy. More research is necessary, but this is exciting news.

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