Jasele Oita's Blog A weblog about everything

May 27, 2011


Filed under: Health — creative @ 11:30 am

Gestational diabetes is a unique type of diabetes that develops during pregnancy. The placenta produces hormones which act against insulin as a result of which the body fails to produce enough insulin to deal with the increased blood sugar levels in the body.

Women who are obese (BMI over 30) are at a higher risk of developing this condition along with women with a family history of diabetes and women who have previously had gestational diabetes.

Complications arising from this condition can affect the health of the unborn child as well as that of the mother. Babies tend to grow large due to the extra blood sugar and most often delivered prematurely by C-section. Seizures due to low blood sugar are another concern.

If you are overweight and planning to get pregnant, you should work on loosing weight immediately as this will improve your overall health and ensure a healthy pregnancy. A report on www.more-than-a-number.com website says that “physicians consider obesity to be the single greatest public health crisis today”

Therefore think of yourself and the health of your unborn child and start to live healthy.

November 25, 2010

The Best Come-Backs for Rude People

Filed under: Health — publisher @ 11:25 pm

When you are confronted by someone who is rude and makes you want to just shoot profanities at them, don’t. There are several ways you can turn around an embarrassing situation to your advantage, without losing your poise or even going down to an obnoxious person’s level. Here are some secrets to dodging insults and rude remarks from strangers and acquaintances alike.

  1. Walk out. Most rude people seek attention, and when you show them that you are affected by their comments or actions. The next time someone says “What a horrible – looking dog!” or “Gee, you look fat in those jeans”, smile and ignore them. Keep walking, and you’ll be just fine. The rude person would be so baffled that their attempt to get to you didn’t work.
  2. Say “Thank you”. People who are rude will say anything without considering how you would feel. Often, they do have the intention to offend you. If you get a comment such as “What a lousy scrapbook you’ve made”, go ahead and say, “Why, thank you! How do you think it could be better? ” Or, “Oh, you’re right, thanks. Could you give me some tips on how to make it awesome?”
  3. Point out the obvious – sweetly. Here’s what you do when you get a rude comment from anyone. Target their flaws, but say something positive about it. For instance, when you walk into a room and your rude friend goes, “What are you wearing? Your skirt looks like crap.” Go ahead and smile, and whip out the magic: Say something like, “But your hair is absolutely gorgeous…doesn’t her hair look great, guys?”.  One of two things will happen: She will believe you and be too engaged in fixing her hair, or, she will be super conscious about her hair because she thinks you were sarcastic.

October 21, 2010

Science takes a fresh look at mind-bending drugs

Filed under: Health — publisher @ 1:52 pm

Illegal drug use is on the rise, and members of the counter culture consider the war on drugs to be a failure that is more than a century old. Even though law enforcement agencies around the world try to combat expanded use of mind-altering substances, one English museum has taken a decidedly different take on the issue

The Wellcome museum has opened up a museum to the use of hallucinogenic drugs and other mind-altering 
substances throughout the ages. Visitors to the exhibit can see a 11th century manuscript on Poppy seeds, and a Victorian snuff set for opium or a different unspecified drug.

The new exhibit comes months after a Swiss paper looked at the benefits for LSD and magic mushrooms in the use of treatment of depression and chronic pain disorders. Elsewhere, scientists study methamphetamine for the treatment of post-traumatic stress and other anxiety-related disorders.

Voters in California also narrowly rejected a measure that would make marijuana usage legal for medicinal purposes earlier this week. The measure was considered in part because it could help the state get through a looming budget crisis. Federal law banning the use of cannabis for any reason would not have been changed.
The new exhibit, scheduled to open on November 11, is dedicated to the use of mind-altering drugs throughout the ages. 
It informs visitors that cocaine, now a highly illegal substance was once used for medicinal purposes. It also states that alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco, the legal substances around most of the world today were not always held in such high regard.

October 12, 2010

Ceiling fan blades get funky

Filed under: Health — admin @ 4:39 pm

The ceiling fan has been with us for a long, long time and nothing much has changed in its functional design. However, in recent times ceiling fan blades have got a little funky. This has given a new lease of life to the ceiling fan, from a fashion perspective, and made it more desirable to have in the home.

The ceiling fan is a low cost way of “cooling” a room. Although it can’t cool a room in the same way an air conditioner or a humidifier can, it improves the circulation of air in the room and thereby brings in some cooling. This is more than enough on a light summer day and can do the job decently on a hot summer day provided that the house has some shade from above. People have been avoiding the ceiling fan in recent times because it looked very plain and boring until now.

Now, many vendors are offering jazzed up version of ceiling fans and bladed. Colors, shapes and material have all changed and ceiling fan lights have also changed to look very tasteful. Now your tiffany ceiling fan or any other brand of ceiling fan can hold its own in a room and look like a conversation piece. Besides looking good all these fans are functional too. If you are interested in purchasing one, look on the web for vendors close to you. You can browse their catalogs till you find the perfect ceiling fan for your room.

August 25, 2010

The Health Dangers of Hallucinogens

Filed under: Health — admin @ 7:18 pm

There are many short-term and long-term health risks associated with using LSD, PCP, mushrooms and other powerful hallucinogens.

The “Flower Power” generation impacted society in many positive ways, but the lax attitude about drugs which fermented in the 1960s has had a negative impact on future generations. This can be seen in the continued abuse of LSD, mushrooms and other hallucinogens which were popularized for recreational use by the hippie generation. Unfortunately, the use of hallucinogens is not limited to aging baby boomer burnouts who ended up in drug treatment — recent statistics show that more than 14 percent of all Americans have tried hallucinogens including almost nine percent of all teens.

Drug addiction is common among people who experiment with hallucinogens; even though drugs like LSD are among the few that don’t increase a user’s tolerance for the drug over time, people will become psychologically dependent on the side effects of the drug. Over time, a person who abuses hallucinogenic drugs comes to believe that they cannot function in the “real” world and has to use drugs in order to cope. This causes people to gradually withdraw from friends and family and drop out of normal society if they don’t get into a drug and alcohol treatment center.

However, the potential danger for a person addicted to hallucinogens who doesn’t seek addiction treatment is more than just mental. There are substantial short-term and long-term health risks associated with the use of hallucinogens. Many of the health risks associated with LSD, PCP and other hallucinogens are unpredictable, meaning that a person who uses can experience a major health problem at any time.

Short-term health risks include an elevated heart rate and increased blood pressure. This can put a person at risk for a heart attack or stroke over time if they don’t seek treatment at a rehab center. Other short term physical problems associated with hallucinogenic drugs include dizziness, loss of appetite, dry mouth, sweating, nausea, numbness, and tremors.

However, the most serious health risks associated with hallucinogenic drugs are mental and go beyond having “a bad trip.” Long-term use of hallucinogens can create persistent psychosis and paranoia along with permanently altering a person’s ability to regulate their moods. People who use hallucinogens extensively essentially have their brain rewired, leading to scary flashbacks which can occur even after treatment in drug rehabilitation.

July 29, 2010

Drug Addiction and Eating Disorders

Filed under: Health — admin @ 12:03 pm

Many people struggling with eating disorders also have drug and alcohol addictions. Learn about the links between the two diseases.

The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that almost one out of every five women in America struggle with an eating disorder or another form of unhealthy eating habits. The reasons that women become anorexic, bulimic or have other eating problems can vary, but many of the mental issues which lead to eating disorders can also lead to drug and alcohol addiction. In many cases, a rehab center will have to deal with eating disorders along with offering drug and alcohol treatment.

Scientists believe there are several factors which create the link between eating disorders and addiction and how the two diseases should be treated within a rehab center. One major factor is that eating disorders seem to impact the brain in the same way. People who starve themselves or vomit after eating receive the same rush of serotonin in their brain that an addict does after using an illicit substance. Over time, they need to engage in the harmful behavior more frequently in order to get the same positive feeling.

People with eating disorders also often have other issues which can trigger other, related emotional problems. Sufferers of eating disorders are also more likely to deal with depression, anxiety disorders and other mental health issues. These are also the same factors which can make a person more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol and end up in drug treatment. These types of co-existing disorders are very common: a study by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse reported that around half of all people with eating disorders also abuse drugs and alcohol.

Eating disorders can also directly lead people to prescription drug abuse — the stress and shame of having an eating disorder can lead to a person turning to prescription drugs in order to cope. The side effects of many drugs can also cause a person with an eating disorder to turn to drugs. Some people begin using crystal meth and cocaine because it stimulates their metabolism and helps them stay thin.

People who are in drug rehab who also have eating disorders need to have their various mental health issues addressed simultaneously in order to effectively treat their issues. In many cases, experiential treatment options which go beyond the traditional talk therapy are utilized within a rehab program to help patients deal with the underlying psychological issues which are contributing to their abusive tendencies.

June 25, 2010

Why People Stay in Treatment

Filed under: Health — admin @ 2:01 pm

There are several factors that determine if a person will complete their drug and alcohol treatment or leave a clinic before treatment is completed.

The number one goal of any drug treatment program is to get people clean and sober. Often times, the most difficult step in this process is the first step: convincing a person struggling with drug or alcohol abuse to get help. However, this doesn’t mean that all of the work is done once a person enters a treatment clinic. Far too many people enter into a rehab program only to leave before it is completed and fall back into their dangerous addictions.

Therefore, it’s up to the drug rehab facility to make sure that people who enter drug treatment stay in treatment as long as needed in order to receive proper care for their addictions and the underlying factors (such as mental illness or other psychological stresses). One of the key tenants of drug treatment is that each patient must be treated as an individual and have their needs evaluated on a case-by-case basis. This is to ensure that patients receive proper care and are not released from treatment if their addictions have not been properly cared for.

Ultimately, it is up to the individual to determine if they remain in an addiction program or choose to leave early. Drug and alcohol treatment is difficult and scary — people who have become used to having the crutch of illicit substances to fall back on literally cannot imagine having that taken away from them. One of the most important factors in helping a person stay committed to alcohol and drug rehab is providing them with motivation to get clean and sober. This could come from reminding them that they have friends and family to care for, or that they have life dreams that have yet to be fulfilled.

While positive reinforcement can be an effective form of reinforcement, showing a person the negatives of their alcohol or drug addiction can also give them the motivation to stay in treatment. This can be provided by outside forces — like if they face jail time if they don’t successfully complete a drug and alcohol treatment program — or by reminding them of the dangers they face to their health and emotional stability by continuing to abuse drugs and alcohol.

June 16, 2010

Why drug rehab is so important?

Filed under: Health — publisher @ 5:37 am

Almost every drug and alcohol addict who has been through the motions knows that finding an appropriate addiction program is vital to a successful recovery. Depending on the severity of the condition of the patient, the stay at a rehab center varies while the kind of addiction treatment that they receive differs from patient to patient.

To put it curtly, a successful recovery merely determines whether the patient is going to come back to a state of normalcy that has otherwise been abandoned due to falling prey to either drug or alcohol addiction. And so for this, every patient when admitted is treated by preparing a personalized addiction treatment program after counseling and individual therapy. What makes this step crucial to the whole recovery process is that it determines whether the course of treatment suggested has worked or not.

Other important element during the recovery process is the support of not only their fellow inmates and doctors but also their friends and family who can contribute to a large extent when it comes to the overall outcome.

Finally, once the patient leaves the drug rehab facility after recovering successful from his addiction, it is important not to leave him or her alone, and thus the continued support of the family and friends as well as the ‘alumni’ in the form of group meetings (very similar to those conducted at the facility of Cirque Lodge) can lead to a complete and long last recovery from the addiction.

June 10, 2010

Different Types of Massage

Filed under: Health — publisher @ 4:01 am

Massaging has turned into an art over the ages and in this day and age many of us cannot imagine life without a massage to ease the tension in our lives. Choosing a particular massage style really depends on how your mind and body feels. Some are light and soft, whereas others are more physical and hard.

If you are in the mood for a general feel good massage, Swedish would be the way to go. Soft kneading and long movements are hallmarks of this type of massage. Oils are used to lubricate the skin and aid in the masseuse’s movements. When oils with healing powers and strong but pleasant smells are used, this turns into another type of massage called Aroma massage or Aroma therapy. The concept here is to let the aromas from the oils soothe your senses while healing your body.

Shiatsu is a technique originating from Japan. In keeping with many traditional Japanese philosophies, this massage is meridian oriented; meaning that all the movements are focused on the lines of the energy flows in your body. Acupressure points are concentrated upon and a fair amount of force is involved in the process, although no pain is felt after the massage. Thai massage is also similar in that it focuses on the meridians, but softer pressure is applied on the acupressure points and more stretching is involved.

These are some of the techniques in the wide world of massaging techniques. You try all of them out to find out which ones suit you best at different times. You should also always remember to inform your masseuse of any injuries or sensitive areas in your body so that do not inadvertently harm you.

May 26, 2010

Change in War on Drugs Strategy

Filed under: Health — admin @ 12:14 pm

Four decades ago, the United States declared war on illegal drugs. Looking at the amount of money spent on that war, the lives lost, and the hold that drugs still have on our country, there are plenty who feel that this war hasn’t been anything amounting to a success. Looking at the number of people still checking into addiction program facilities and the amount of effort that goes into catching and prosecuting those involved in the drug industry shows us just how much work we have left to do.

Gil Kerlikowske, known to many as the U.S. Drug Czar, acknowledged that things haven’t gone as well as was hoped when the country first declared war on drugs. There is a more intense public concern about drug problems now than there was forty years ago. Far too many people know someone who has been though drug rehab or otherwise struggled with dependency issues. Perhaps some people back when the “war” began thought that drug use would disappear as a result of the government’s actions and that the concept of the rehab center would be a thing of the past. Even with a more reasonable perspective, it’s clear that the strategy needs to be adjusted.

President Obama has spoken about the issues that the country faces when it comes to the ongoing drug problem in our culture. He stated that the new national policy will be to treat the abuse of drugs as an issue of public health, a view in line with your typical addiction treatment program. Indeed, treatment along with prevention will be the main focus of this new policy. Kerlikowske acknowledged that taking drug dealers off of the street does little to address the addiction problem, and that additional steps need to be taken in that direction. Hopefully, this new approach will also shift public perception about drug and alcohol addiction.

Even as new policy is being made, many people are still coping with dependency on a personal level. Seeking assistance from an addiction center is an important step towards kicking the habit and getting your life on track.

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