Jasele Oita's Blog A weblog about everything

November 25, 2010

The Best Come-Backs for Rude People

Filed under: Health — publisher @ 11:25 pm

When you are confronted by someone who is rude and makes you want to just shoot profanities at them, don’t. There are several ways you can turn around an embarrassing situation to your advantage, without losing your poise or even going down to an obnoxious person’s level. Here are some secrets to dodging insults and rude remarks from strangers and acquaintances alike.

  1. Walk out. Most rude people seek attention, and when you show them that you are affected by their comments or actions. The next time someone says “What a horrible – looking dog!” or “Gee, you look fat in those jeans”, smile and ignore them. Keep walking, and you’ll be just fine. The rude person would be so baffled that their attempt to get to you didn’t work.
  2. Say “Thank you”. People who are rude will say anything without considering how you would feel. Often, they do have the intention to offend you. If you get a comment such as “What a lousy scrapbook you’ve made”, go ahead and say, “Why, thank you! How do you think it could be better? ” Or, “Oh, you’re right, thanks. Could you give me some tips on how to make it awesome?”
  3. Point out the obvious – sweetly. Here’s what you do when you get a rude comment from anyone. Target their flaws, but say something positive about it. For instance, when you walk into a room and your rude friend goes, “What are you wearing? Your skirt looks like crap.” Go ahead and smile, and whip out the magic: Say something like, “But your hair is absolutely gorgeous…doesn’t her hair look great, guys?”.  One of two things will happen: She will believe you and be too engaged in fixing her hair, or, she will be super conscious about her hair because she thinks you were sarcastic.

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