Jasele Oita's Blog A weblog about everything

May 13, 2011

Floors: Laminate vs Engineered

Filed under: Home improvement — publisher @ 12:10 am

Installing flooring can be a challenge for many homeowners and even professional builders. One of the biggest challenges can be finding flooring that is affordable yet sturdy and nice. Criteria such as these often leave you with two options: laminate wood floor or engineered flooring. Deciding between these two can be quite tricky. Knowing the pros and cons of each one can help make things easier.

Laminate Floor

In terms of flooring, laminate came out before engineered floors. One of the most attractive things about it is that it comes at a fairly cheap price. Compared to hardwood, it will cost you a lot less. It has the same appearance as wood and is easy to clean. Stains and waxing are not problems since most laminate floors can be wiped clean. In addition, denting, water, and starch marks are less likely to occur. On the down side, this kind of flooring may not last long when exposed to moisture and humid environments. It is also time-consuming to install.

Engineered Floor

Coming out later, engineered hardwood floors have quickly become popular. Made with wood finishes on the top and bottom as well as wood materials in between, these are sturdy items. In terms of price, it also costs less than hardwood floors but may be more expensive than laminate. It is easy to install and does not require any heavy carpentry work. Most of the work is done after fitting the pieces together. It is also comes in different types of wood including exotic wood flooring.

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