Jasele Oita's Blog A weblog about everything

September 1, 2009

Generator Shopping 101

Filed under: Hardware — admin @ 1:47 pm

As the number of electrical outages keep rising from storms, brownouts and other issues, more people than ever are looking to get back-up power for their homes in case of an outage. This is understandable and commendable, but it can also be confusing if you’ve never shopped for a generator before. Before you spend big money on a 100 kw generator, it’s good to know some generator basics.

No matter what generator you wind up getting, you will want to have an automatic transfer switch installed professionally into your power grid. This will automatically transfer the power to and from the power grid and your generator in case of an outage. Not only does this save you from having to manually do it, but it prevents the power “backing up” – which could cause electrical fires or electrocution to yourself or power workers.

Also, there’s no need to get a generator that is far more powerful than you need. A good rule of thumb is to add up the power usage of the various appliances and items you need to have powered during an emergency. 15 kw John Deere generators (or from another supplier) should be more than enough to do the trick to power your house.

All Breakers offers same-day shipping for new and reconditioned circuit breakers including ITE circuit breakers, cutler hammer breakers, Zinsco circuit breakers, and FPE circuit breakers.

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