Jasele Oita's Blog A weblog about everything

June 14, 2010

High School Sports Fields

Filed under: Hardware — admin @ 7:11 pm

Article submitted by www.ArtificialTurfSupply.com

These days, it’s not at all unusual to attend a professional sports game and see the teams playing on synthetic grass rather than natural. Artificial turf has come a long way from the early days when it was little more than a thin carpet over concrete.  Today’s turf has a much more natural feel and is far safer for the players, making it a viable alternative to natural grass.

However, not all of the athletic teams who buy artificial turf are playing on the professional level.  More and more high schools are looking into replacing their natural sports fields with artificial ones.  The Great Western Ohio Conference boasts a 50% rate for synthetic turf, with eight of the sixteen schools scheduled to play on artificial fields this fall.  The latest will be Piqua High School, who had a groundbreaking ceremony on Friday, June 18.

Investing in fake lawn materials for a high school field can be expensive.  The Piqua High School project is projected to have a total price tag of $600,000 (the money is coming from private donors).  However, the investment is one that can pay off for these schools.  Because the artificial turf is more durable than its natural counterpart, the field will be able to stand up to more wear and tear. This means that where a high school may have only been able to use the field for football practice before, they will be able to put it to more extensive use without worrying about maintenance.

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