Jasele Oita's Blog A weblog about everything

March 21, 2011

Is Imputed Righteousness The Right Way?

Filed under: Charity — publisher @ 12:38 am

Perhaps one of the most discussed concepts of Christianity is that of conditional security, and while some people believe that once you are saved you stay saved for the rest of your life, there are others who believe that you need to work your salvation out.

In trying to know the truth by coming together and discussing these concepts, will there be clarity when it comes to our spiritual lives?

Perhaps there will come a time when we will get to understand whether imputed righteousness is correct or is just a lie. And in not knowing the truth, new believers can be led astray.

There are several sites over the Internet that discuss these important doctrines, clarifying what is the gospel message all about, and how you should follow the teachings of Christ in your daily life.

 Not only will you find comprehensive Christian literature that can help you steady yourself on the narrow path but you can also learn more about living a Christ-like life even if it means going over the basics all over again.

All in all, in learning more about the Bible and its teachings will you be able to strengthen yourself in your Christian faith.

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