Jasele Oita's Blog A weblog about everything

August 20, 2012

Learn the Different Varieties of Pillow Filling

Filed under: Goods and Services — admin @ 5:05 pm

Foam pillows offer characteristics other styles would be hard-pressed to equal. From their resilience and softness, to their custom contouring of memory foam, the different kinds of pillow filling options mean nearly every person can find something that’s right for them. Unfortunately the different varieties of foam filling can make that search confusing for some, so here are a few tips on the different options for foam pillow-filling.

The first thing that should be decided isn’t the kind of foam, but the state that the pillow’s foam is in. This is because foam pillows can be had in solid forms as well as shredded, and almost every foam type available for pillows can be made in either of these two styles. The biggest difference in these two styles is firmness. A solid foam pillow core is firmer and can hold a head higher than the softer, more conforming style of shredded foam.

Memory foam pillows contour to the neck, shoulders, and head as the material warms from the body’s heat. These pillows are made in various designs due to the consistency of the material. There are traditional smooth pillows, as well as numerous contoured pillows that cater to neck pain, side-sleepers, and more. Shredded memory foam carries the same characteristics in a softer, more compressible form.

A latex foam pillow is generally firmer than other varieties. It contains an aerated pin-core design that makes it sleep cooler than the average material and makes a good pillow fill for people who have allergies.

There are conventional styles of foam made in different qualities, firmnesses, and densities as well, that you can mix and match to meet your preferences. No matter what you’re looking for in a pillow, you can find your desired qualities in foam filling.

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