Jasele Oita's Blog A weblog about everything

December 24, 2009

Managing Airline Issues Successfully

Filed under: Travel — admin @ 6:25 am

Airline issues are on the rise and are mostly attributed to poor performance by airline companies towards their passengers. The numbers are alarming with as much as 90% of complaints by airline passengers being made on a daily basis. One of the factors to such a high figure could be attributed to the fact that airline passengers not being aware of how to resolve their complaints, and that airlines are guilty of constantly ignoring such cases.

As an air traveller, you have certain privileges, and yes, of course, you can fight for them. Do not forget however, that you need to fulfil some obligations as a traveller. If an airline does not acknowledge your complaint and take the necessary steps, then the time is right for you to go ahead and undertake some legal action. Remember, however, that it is crucial that the airline be found liable; it is only then that you can file an official complaint. Therefore, before you make a complaint, it is imperative that you check every bit of information beforehand.
If and when you encounter any kind of airline issue, make sure you report it immediately to a customer service agent. This way, you give the airline the time and opportunity to resolve it straightaway.

Making a complaint is fairly serious, so take the time to process what happened. Review the situation a few times, and go over every detail. Evaluate if you really do need to make a complaint. If you decide that you need to, then make sure you have all the necessary details to prove your issue. It is very important that you do not let your emotions takeover; stay firmly rooted, and be as diplomatic as possible.

If, in the odd chance, your complaint goes ignored, then you should move on to the next level of writing a letter of complaint and sending it across to the high management of the airline. Include all the important information.

If all this still does not get the airline to resolve your issue, then you final resort is going to court. You might like to take a look at the ‘Sue the Airline’ guide. Remember, if you are a dissatisfied customer, you have every right to make a complaint – and it is the airline’s responsibility to see that it is rectified.

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