Jasele Oita's Blog A weblog about everything

September 28, 2009

Preventing Tooth Discoloration

Filed under: Health — admin @ 5:21 pm

There are some people who turn to cosmetic dentistry to repair discoloration and other damage to teeth that might have been avoided by changing a few lifestyle habits. There are certain things that we do that can exacerbate the need for bleaching and even porcelain veneers.

Minimize the deeply colored foods and beverages you indulge in. This includes tea, coffee, red wine, and carrots. Citrus and other acidic foods can also erode the enamel on your teeth, making the yellowish core material more visible.

Cosmetic dentists will also tell you that smoking leaves discoloration on your teeth that is hard to remove. The brown deposits that are left are actually absorbed by the tooth, leaving intrinsic stains.

While grinding your teeth in itself doesn’t cause stains, it can make them more prone to discoloration. Micro-fractures can occur through grinding, meaning there are more places for debris and stains to collect.

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