Jasele Oita's Blog A weblog about everything

January 15, 2009

Short-Term Rentals

Filed under: Real Estate — admin @ 4:13 pm

Besides traveling for business or leisure, there are many situations in life that result in the need for short term rentals. Moving is one of these situations. Whether you’re moving to a new city or a new state, the timing between selling your current property and finding a new one may not go as smoothly as you would like. In such cases, individuals and families need a temporary place to stay. Another situation that requires temporary lodging is when your current home is being renovated. Depending on the type of reconstruction, projects can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. What’s more, displacement-related insurance claims can result in longer waiting periods. During this time, individuals and families must be able to go about their regular routine, such as going to work, school, and various evening appointments.

Corporate housing is a smart alternative to short-term accommodations. Unfortunately, many individuals and families resort to staying in hotels during periods of displacement, which can get pretty pricey. In addition to high costs, hotels lack the home-like amenities that are essential during such a transition, such as fully stocked kitchens and spacious living rooms. Other people may decide to stay with family and friends. However, this too can be uncomfortable over time, especially during longer visits. Executive housing, such as the apartments and condos provided by Rx Housing, is available in more than 4,000 cities nationwide. Individuals and families appreciate the extra space provided by these apartments. Rx Housing’s apartments are usually 700 square feet and larger and offer a homey environment.

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