Jasele Oita's Blog A weblog about everything

April 28, 2009

Tooth Grinding

Filed under: Health — admin @ 12:13 pm

According to the American Dental Association, approximately one-third of adults grind their teeth while sleeping. Over time, this habit can wear teeth down, chip teeth near the gumline, damage the jaw joint, and even lead to tooth loss. Fortunately, the reasons patients grind teeth can often be corrected. For patients who only learn of their habit after their teeth sustain damage, cosmetic dentistry can restore the look and feel of teeth.

Most often, tooth grinding is a result of stress and issues with a patient’s bite. In a proper bite, a patient’s teeth come together and sit comfortably, protecting both the teeth and jaw joint. Many factors can lead to an improper bite, including the way teeth have naturally grown, such as crowded teeth, or tooth loss caused by periodontal disease, which leads to shifting of remaining teeth. For patients who have proper bites, stress can cause tooth grinding regardless. Ironically, patients are often unaware that they grind their teeth during sleep, even in cases in which teeth have been obviously damaged by repetitive grinding. Traditional and cosmetic dentists can correct this damage, but often patients need to take additional measures to protect their teeth or try to minimize grinding.

The good news is that there are effective ways to remedy tooth grinding. One way is using a bite guard, and another is orthodontics. Some bite guards that are sold in pharmacies have been shown to increase the problem; for this reason, it is recommended to get custom night guards instead. An added benefit of custom guards is that they can help the muscles relax, as well as protect teeth. The other method of treatment—and the one that is highly effective—is orthodontics. A cosmetic dentist can advise patients on orthodontics like Invisilign or braces, but an orthodontist might recommend corrective surgery for serious cases.

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