Jasele Oita's Blog A weblog about everything

October 22, 2012

What Is Boat Foam And What Does It Do

Filed under: Hardware,Industrial,Manufacturing — publisher @ 8:00 am

Every boat floats and it’s not because of that plastic on the outside or any of the accessories inside the boat, it’s simply due to boat foam. You see, when a boat is moving or floating across the water, it needs something to hold it up and this wouldn’t be possible without that special foam that’s especially designed for boating. If it didn’t have this particularly special kind of foam inside of it, it would probably just sink when someone tried to accelerate it.

–          The foam is very soft but crafted specially to help boats float on the water.

–          It’s sort of a “cushion” for the boat to allow the water to take the impacts and float right back up to the top when a wave hits and the boat smacks down on the water belly first.

–          It can be thought of very much like the foam that you might find in your couch or even some beds, but it’s a little bit harder and specially designed for a more specific purpose.

There’s also boat cushions which will help absorb any shock when the boat gets turned suddenly in the water or comes smacking down face first into the water hitting a little wave. It can be very similar in size and texture to couch foam but serves as an entirely different purpose. If you want more information on this kind of foam, I personally use only one location: www.foamreplacement.com

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