Jasele Oita's Blog A weblog about everything

July 5, 2012

What’s next for Syria?

Filed under: Education — elegant @ 7:40 pm

Syrian uprising which began 16 months ago has claimed more than 16,000 lives. Efforts by the former U.N. Secretary Kofi Annan to broker a peace deal between the Syrian regime and the rebels appear to be fallen on deaf ears. International efforts to impose sanctions against Bashar Assad’s regime are stuck in the U.N. due to objections from Russia and China. Fighting in Syria continues at a merciless phase with no ending in sight. Regime is supplied with weapons from Russia and China and is faced with defections of army soldiers. The rebels known as the Free Syrian Army is poorly armed and carries the strongest will power to continue the struggle. So what’s next for Syria?

Struggle against the regime will continue with more covert operations possibly supported by the west. It is unclear whether the west is involved or not because there is no organized opposition to the regime that is prominent. On the other Islamic factions are raising their head through the conflict. Even al-Qaeda is suspected of operating within Syria. Meanwhile the U.N. is faced with strong Russian objections that seem adamant and unable to make any progress before the expiration of the monitoring mission timeline. So, killing in Syria will continue.

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