Jasele Oita's Blog A weblog about everything

February 21, 2010

Why You Should Avoid Replica Watches

Filed under: Internet — admin @ 1:12 pm

When a customer buys a particular product, he identifies with the brand image it portrays, and if it captures his attention enough, he will spend as much needs to be spent to obtain this product that he thinks others will appreciate him for. Say for example, a Rolex, which a symbol of class, prestige and success and when you wear one of these, there’s no doubt that heads will turn.

And then there’s the danger of replica watches, where the difference between the ‘original’ and ‘fake’ can be so marginal that people cannot tell the difference. And most of us would conscientiously want to avoid these watches but could fall prey, if not careful about making impulsive purchases.

Now, for those who are open to the idea of buying replica watches, here are some reasons why you should avoid buying them.

Firstly, a replica watch is worn to impress others with deceptive bent of mind. This can turn out to be detrimental especially in business circles, as people will not take you seriously leading to an inner sense of dissatisfaction.

Secondly, replicas rarely look like the real thing due to a lack of precision, nor do they last that long and thus will impress no one as almost everyone can tell a replica watch from an authentic one.

Thirdly, these watches never grow in value like the original ones, as they are mere imitations of the real thing while not having the features that are on display nor do they carry any innovative features that the original has.

Finally and most importantly, it’s illegal on your part to support fake watch producers who themselves use these funds to support major organized crime.

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