Looking for vintage jewellery is both fun and rewarding. Who could complain about weekend mornings or afternoons dedicated to finding spectacular treasures? Well, maybe those who can’t quite forget the dusty surroundings of their foraging when visiting estate sales or flea markets. But even these anti-dust folks have plenty of opportunity to hunt down amazing Art Deco rings, brooches, and necklaces in more pleasant environments — they can go to high-end antique shops or browse online.
If you choose to conduct your treasure hunting through a computer or smartphone, you can easily bypass any unpleasantness related to old storage containers. Plus, you won’t have to maneuver your way around decades-old boxes of black-and-white family photographs. Needless to say, the pictures that you do want to see, close-up images of your potential purchases, will be available. To enjoy all the thrill of the hunt for antique rings and other jewellery without getting dusty, try going to www.cynthiafindlay.com.