Although circuit breakers last longer than fuses, they may need to be changed from time to time. When they do, it’s imperative that they be replaced with the same breaker from the same brand. Circuit breakers are brand-specific rather than interchangeable, despite claims otherwise by some manufacturers. This means, unfortunately, that GE breakers can’t be swapped out for Siemens breakers or Murray breakers for ITE breakers. The reason for this is that circuit breakers differ in terms of electrical and mechanical characteristics such as mounting techniques and buss bar thickness. While a different breaker might fit into the existing panel, the new breaker exposes the panel to safety and performance risks.
Another reason to avoid interchanging breakers is to avoid a write-up from a home inspector when you’re trying to sell your home. Inspectors must comply with the guidelines set for by the National Electric Code, which states that “listed or labeled equipment shall be used or installed in accordance with any instructions included in the listing or labeling.” This includes which circuit breakers are to be used for a given load center. So if an inspector finds General Electric circuit breakers in a residential load center that calls for Cutler Hammer breakers and issues a write up, the sale of the home may be delayed. To avoid this scenario, it’s best to always swap out old breakers for the new ones of the exact same brand and type.